
OCV actively conducts research on open source software projects and recruits founders to join our companies. As a general screening criteria, we would only consider projects with a minimum of 20 monthly MR/PRs or 5,000 stars on GitHub. See detailed research process at:

Research processes

Founder Outreach

[Write-up in process] - Link to prospective founder pages.

Internal Approvals / Conflict Checks

New company approval processes consist of two parts:

1. GP Approval

OCV team prepares project summary and intended business plan (in the internal research doc) for GP review.

Founder (CTO) compensation sign off proposal to the GP should include:

2. GitLab Conflict Check

New companies need to pass a conflict check with GitLab prior to an offer being sent. The conflict check requires that an email be sent to the GitLab team with the following information: