💳 Corporate Credit Card

When practicable, use OCV issued corporate credit card for business expenses. For corporate card charges:

🪙 Out-of-Pocket Expense Reimbursement

For out-of-pocket expense reimbursement, employees can submit an expense report through OCV’s payroll system. Employees must submit their receipts within 90 days of receipt date to receive reimbursement.

OCV’s Accounting Team will process expense reimbursement after Management review and approval. Expenses approved prior to the upcoming payroll processing date will be reimbursed on the following pay cycle.

✈️ Travel Expense Policy

All business travel needs to be pre-approved by the COO. Employees are expected to complete a pre-travel approval form with estimated total cost of the trip.

Travel expense guidelines

  1. OCV will cover work-related travel expenses. This includes lodging and meals during the part of the trip that is work-related. Depending on the distance of your travel, it can also include the day before and the day after work-related business. For example, if you are attending a 3-day conference in a jetlag-inducing location, the firm will cover your lodging and meals those 3 days as well as one day before and one day after.
  2. OCV will cover costs related to commuting to and from a destination or airport which is work-related. This includes public transit, ride-sharing services (Lyft, Uber, etc.), or personal vehicle mileage between one's home and airport, bus/rail station, or work-related meeting.
  3. Always bring a personal credit card and your corporate card with you when traveling for company business.
  4. If you incur any work-travel related expenses (on your personal card or company card), save the original receipt.
  5. When your trip is complete, please file out of pocket expenses for reimbursements in the payroll system. For company cards, please upload memos and receipts in the purchasing card dashboard.
  6. OCV can accommodate custom requests. It is OK to stay longer on your trip. However, the extra days will not be covered by the firm.