In an all-remote work environment, the most common fixed asset is company-owned computer equipment and laptops. All team members work on a company-issued laptop except for non-full time contractors or contract roles with a defined time period.

Fixed Assets Tracking & Management

Purchasing Firm Assets that are no longer used for Business

If an employee is interested in purchasing a firm asset that is no longer used for business, the COO will review the request on a case by case basis and determine the fair market value for the sale.

Laptop / Equipment Return Upon Departure

When a team member leaves OCV, the departing employee is responsible for shipping the work laptop back to a designated recipient at the firm. At OCV’s discretion, the departing employee may have the option to purchase the laptop at its current net book value provided that all firm data has been removed from the laptop.

Home Office Setup

Home office furniture and equipment purchased (within the standard budget policy) are not expected to be returned upon departure.