Incorporation paperwork

See Step 3: File incorporation paperwork

Term sheet

For OCV company’s Seed round:

  1. Options pool expectation: see Seed round options pool
  2. Board seat: see Board Composition
  3. Terms not to be in conflict with OCV’s safe side letter

Preferred financing round

OCV expects the following rights in our companies Seed Preferred financing round:

  1. Major Investor status - impacts information, pro-rata, inspection, right of first refusal, and co-sale rights
  2. Qualified Key Holder status - first common director seat and drag-along trigger are tied to the vote of a majority of Qualified Key Holders
    1. Drag-along triggers are not typically exercised in practice and generally not a point of contention
    2. The ability to vote for common director board seats is an important right for OCV given our ownership stake (especially common shares) in OCV companies