<aside> 🌟 Open Core Ventures (OCV) is handbook first and public by default. Our handbook is continuously updated to reflect the current status of operations and is subject to change. OCV founders and team members should check the handbook frequently for the most up-to-date information. We document our policies, processes, and points of view in our public handbook so people outside of OCV can benefit from it. Avoid unstructured content when contributing to the handbook.


<aside> ‼️ This is a public handbook. Do not add personal or confidential information. For security reasons, we do not name our internal systems, vendors, or list direct contact details. This document should not be relied on for legal or investment advice.


Open Core Ventures forms new open-core companies around existing open-source software projects. OCV operates differently from traditional investor firms, incubators, and studios. Founders should familiarize themselves with OCV’s business model to ensure alignment before signing an offer letter. OCV does not invest in existing companies.

Founder Resources

Working with OCV

OCV Operating Principles

OCV & Founder Relationship

Open-Core Business Model

VC Funding Expectations

New Company Launch Process

Founder Onboarding

Launch Day Checklist

Board of Directors and Board Approval

Office Hours

Goal Setting

Monthly Investor Updates

Raising a Seed


Cap Table Concerns

Notes to CEOs


Building the Product

Finding Product Market Fit



Marketing & Branding



Legal Team

Board Meetings and Annual Meeting Minutes

Privacy Policy

Software Licensing Terms

Subscription Agreements

Trademark Protection

Terms of Use

OCV Support Scope

Formation Stage

Pre-Seed (First 18-24 Months)

Growth Stage (Post-External Funding)

Wind Down

Company Launch Announcement

Vendor Deals for OCV Companies



Co-Founder Interviews

Global Workforce Considerations

Leverage External Recruiters

Prospective CEOs

Recruiting for OCV Companies

People Operations

Compensation & Benefits



Public Handbook & Template

Phishing/Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Performance Evaluation

Stock Options

Team Classification


Tracking Employee PTO


Finance Operations for OCV Companies

Runway & Operating Budget



OCV Internal Operations

How the OCV firm operates excluding the interaction with the outside world and the portfolio companies. This section defines processes and procedures for the OCV team.



OCV Meeting & Communication

OCV Philosophy

OCV Style Guide

Business Operations

Company Formation

Legal Docs Review

Finance Operations

OCV Finance Operations

People Operations

OCV People Operations


OCV Content Operations

OCV Social Media Guidelines