OCV’s culture is handbook first. This is a living document of OCV’s processes and operating company reference guides. To avoid unstructured content, we follow the latest guidelines at https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/handbook-usage/#avoid-unstructured-content.

⚠️ For security reasons, we do not name our internal systems, vendors, or direct contact details in our public handbook.

Disclaimer: This document should not be relied on for legal or investment advice.

Company Guides

This section is for founders. It includes how to work with OCV, including prescriptive requirements and milestones.

Founder Onboarding

OCV Support Scope

Open Core Business Model

Quarterly Milestones & North Stars

Company Goal Setting and Growth

Cap Table Concerns

Public Handbook & Template

Bi-weekly meeting guide

Board of Directors and Board Approval

Vendor Deals for OCV Companies

Open core pricing



Building the Product

Finding Product Market Fit