Typical snail mail and how to handle these:

  1. Checks ⇒ Finance Team to deposit in checking account. Delete and shred from Virtual Mailbox once deposit is complete.
  2. Taxes and compliance notices ⇒ review and save a copy on the shared drive under “Taxes and Notices”. Create a task for the Finance Team for any notices require action. Delete and shred from Virtual Mailbox.
  3. Workers compensation insurance notifications ⇒ save a copy on the shared drive under “Business Insurance”. Any premium adjustments are automatically handled through OCV’s payroll system. Delete and shred from Virtual Mailbox.
  4. Vendor notices / policies (i.e. health insurance, business insurance, etc.) ⇒ review and save a copy on the shared drive. Delete and shred from Virtual Mailbox.
  5. Junk mail ⇒ delete and shred from Virtual Mailbox.